LinkedIn snaps up Oribi to accelerate attribution technology capabilities

LinkedIn on a smartphone.

LinkedIn has entered into an agreement to acquire Oribi, an Israel based marketing analytics company, to further help customers gain actionable insights, make smarter decisions and drive business results.

Through the integration of Oribi’s technology into our marketing solutions platform, LinkedIn said its customers will benefit from enhanced campaign attribution to optimise the ROI of their advertising strategies.

As part of the agreement, LinkedIn will also open a...

LinkedIn reveals the sales mistakes that are killing deals stone dead

The LinkedIn app on a smartphone/

Misinformation from sales teams has been killing deals, with 48% of buyers pointing to misleading information about a product and price being the biggest turn offs.

This is according to the fifth annual ‘State of Sales’ report for 2021 from LinkedIn, which explores how events of the past year are challenging the world of sales.

The study found that 44% of buyers were put off by sales people not understanding their company and its needs, while 43% said sales people...