Virgin Atlantic selects Amperity to deliver AI-powered unified customer profiles

Amperity, an enterprise customer data platform (CDP) for consumer brands, has announced Virgin Atlantic as a new customer for its critical data foundation.

Amperity will help unify, manage, and activate all of the travel company’s digital and transactional customer data, to deliver personalised customer experiences and drive revenue growth.

Virgin Atlantic looks after a vast amount of customer data generated from digital touchpoints and offline transactions throughout...

Three quarters of marketers’ positive outlook holds steady amid rapid digital acceleration

Econsultancy, a global provider of digital marketing and ecommerce insights and training, today revealed an early snapshot from its annual Future of Marketing report, which revealed marketers’ positive industry outlook remains steadfast despite a prolonged rocky economic environment.

Despite the crises which have characterised the last few years, more than three quarters (76%) of marketers remain optimistic about the future of the industry. This remains on par with the previous...

Google Cloud partner digs into generative AI for marketers

If you are worried that generative AI is coming for your jobs then the recent Google Cloud Next event may have caused palpitations. But don’t worry just yet, as this solution appears to be marked out as friend rather than foe.

Typeface, a generative AI app provider, announced the launch of an integrated generative AI marketing solution with GrowthLoop and Google Cloud’s BigQuery and GenAI Foundation Models to ‘merge generative AI into a single, streamlined...

Emplifi unveils unified analytics for insights into the customer journey

Customer engagement platform Emplifi, has launched of Unified Analytics, an integrated solution that aggregates, analyses, and presents customer data in an easily digestible format.

As an integral component of Emplifi’s Customer Engagement platform, Unified Analytics provides deep business insights that can vastly improve the customer experience by bringing together social media data, customer service and care case management data, Voice of Customer (VoC) insights, and...

Why UK customers are ghosting businesses

Mailgun Sinch, which powers conversations between businesses and their customers through its Customer Communications Cloud, has published the State of Email Deliverability 2023 report.

According to findings, despite only 8% of all email traffic delivered to the intended inbox, businesses are still failing to prioritise their email deliverability. Almost half (44.4%) of those surveyed were not confident in their knowledge of deliverability, let alone how to achieve it. This gap...

Emotional digital ads drive brand lift and recall

Pinterest and System1, a specialist in advertising effectiveness, have released the latest research on digital advertising’s impact on brands and best practices for creating effective digital ads.

Analysing 50 Pinterest ads revealed that digital ads that create more positive emotional response lead to greater changes in behaviour and engage attention better, therefore making them more memorable. Additionally, digital ads with rapid, clear branding that cause an intense...

Vending machine launched that can detect things Gen Z find most annoying

Open-mouth coughing, queue jumpers, and not getting a ‘thanks’ after holding the door open for someone. Just some of the everyday bugbears that annoy the hell out of Gen Z, according to new research from Sprite. 

21% said that they get rattled when they hear music being played on a phone without headphones, while 22% say people putting their feet on seats on the train really gets their goat. 

Also on the list is getting stuck behind people who walk at snail's...

Consumers want personalised experience but wary of sharing data

European consumers expect to receive the 'VIP' treatment when it comes to marketing and interactions they have with brands, yet they remain concerned about the sharing, use, and protection of their personal data. 

These trends are gleaned from the fourth annual State of Personalisation Report from Twilio, the customer engagement platform that drives real-time, personalised experiences for today’s leading brands. With data being an enabler of personalisation and enhanced...

Demographic data is losing its value as consumers become more unpredictable

Global pressures have made consumers more uncertain and unpredictable, finds a new survey conducted by Twilio, the customer engagement platform.

As a result, 48% of marketers are now questioning the value of traditional customer segmentation through demographic data. Instead, they are placing renewed importance on real-time personalisation (71%), and seek more budget flexibility in where and what they’re investing in (65%).

The survey of 300 UK marketing decision...

The cookie rental market is collapsing: Get your house in order with first-party data

A plate of chocolate chip cookies.

The marketing landscape is undergoing a profound transformation propelled by two significant forces: the collapse of the third-party cookie rental market and the dynamic realm of data privacy. This generational shift demands that marketers abandon reliance on traditional customer identification, retention and acquisition methods. Instead, they face the urgent task of swiftly constructing a robust foundation of first-party data. This is vital to ensuring they continue to deliver meaningful...