Half of personalised content is boring and unhelpful

More than half (51%) of UK consumers say that the targeted content they receive online is often “boring” or “unhelpful.” 

That is according to new research from Optimizely, a digital experience platform (DXP) provider, which reveals that while personalisation holds great potential for enhancing customer loyalty, the reliance on assumptions and outdated technology remain major obstacles.

Based on a comprehensive study of 100 UK marketing leaders and 1,000 UK...

65% of consumers say personalisation earns loyalty in 2023

A global survey of 5,000 consumers reveals critical changes to consumer spending amid inflation and economic uncertainty.

These findings highlight current sentiment on spending and what it will take to earn consumer loyalty in 2023.

Retail, travel, hospitality, media and entertainment most at risk as consumers rethink spending 

Consumers are thinking more critically about where they will spend their money in 2023, with 81% saying they will reassess their...

Consumers want digital interactions with brands to feel like personal conversations

Two people drinking coffee.

Businesses have technology gaps that prevent them from making meaningful connections with customers, according to a study by Vonage, a specialist in cloud communications helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation.

After two years of nonstop digital transformation among businesses, only 45% of consumers are “very satisfied” with the way they connect with companies, revealing opportunities to enhance digital transformation efforts with omnichannel communications...

UK consumers demand hyper-personalisation, new report reveals

The way to engage with these consumers is through real-time, hyper-personalised experiences, a new eConsultancy report, in partnership with Cheetah Digital reveals. The report 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index: Consumer Attitudes and Trends in Personalisation, Privacy, Messaging, Advertising and Brand Loyalty shows consumers across the U.K. interact with a brand on multiple channels, oftentimes unpredictably.

Email marketing reigns supreme

Email continues to sit...

Old School: The forgotten tech making a comeback with marketers

In the results-driven world of performance marketing, it can be tempting to jump from tool to tool, scrabbling at the latest must-have tech. 

Despite massive advances in the way that marketers work, at the core of many strategies lies some pretty reliable tech, which shows no sign of being dropped from the marketing mix. 

There is a reason why old tech works, there’s a layer of trust and acceptance that marketers can benefit from - big time.

Old tech,...

Most consumers are happy for advertisers to use personal data to personalise adverts

A happy toy with a smiley face.

As many as 61% of UK consumers are happy for companies to use their personal data to personalise ads and offers for them.

Personalisation specialist A Million Ads, in collaboration with research company, Attest, recently conducted global consumer and marketer research identifying perceptions and preferences around personalised advertising.

The results revealed that 77% are very or somewhat annoyed when seeing or hearing exactly the same ad many times over. Moreover, 61%...

Back to basics: Three building blocks for nailing personalisation

Personalisation has been the holy grail for many marketing organisations for what seems like forever. While at its surface, for many marketers, personalisation seems straight forward, and with modern technology, seems it would be easy to implement. Unfortunately, these assumptions couldn’t be further from reality.

As with many modern marketing efforts, organisations must grow through a maturity model in order to reap the benefits of their efforts. Personalisation is no...