Mobile marketing and a cookieless future: challenges and opportunities

A man using a smartphone.

There’s a growing body of evidence, suggesting that people are more obsessed with their mobiles than ever before. For marketers and brands, this obsession translates into incredible opportunity, especially as the third-party cookie crumbles and relationship marketing emerges as king of the marketing paradigm.

Smartphones are often the first thing people check in the morning and the last thing they touch at night. In the UK alone, it’s estimated that people spend an average of...

Ru Roberts, Waze: On non-distracting and privacy-conscious advertising

MarketingTech caught up with Ru Roberts, UK Country Manager for Waze, to discuss how the popular satellite navigation app advertises to drivers in a responsible manner.

As a free app, Waze relies on advertising. However, displaying ads to drivers could be a recipe for disaster.

Waze has faced its fair share of criticisms in the past for distracting drivers. Early users will remember things like messages from random drivers popping up constantly. Fortunately, Waze heard...

Old School: The forgotten tech making a comeback with marketers

In the results-driven world of performance marketing, it can be tempting to jump from tool to tool, scrabbling at the latest must-have tech. 

Despite massive advances in the way that marketers work, at the core of many strategies lies some pretty reliable tech, which shows no sign of being dropped from the marketing mix. 

There is a reason why old tech works, there’s a layer of trust and acceptance that marketers can benefit from - big time.

Old tech,...

Vimeo becomes first video software company to partner with TikTok

TikTok Logo

Video SaaS company Vimeo has joined TikTok Marketing Partners, a group of specialist companies that create, implement and measure ad campaigns on TikTok’s video-based social media app.

The partnership gives small and medium businesses (SMBs) access to Vimeo’s suite of video creation tools whilst simultaneously enabling them to take advantage of TikTok’s broad userbase.

Pre-release tests of both company’s capabilities saw participants able to double the number of...

Rewarded ads embedded in gameplay generate 2.5x more revenue for developers than static menus

A man using a smartphone.

Mobile performance advertising platform, Vungle, has released its 2021 In-App Ad Placement Revenue Report - a first-of-its-kind study that lets mobile publishers forecast the revenue impact that different types of ad placements can have on their games and apps. 

The report identifies key differences in earning potential between rewarded ads placed at different points throughout the user experience, as well as differences in revenue produced by display ad formats like banners...

Digital marketers among most in demand freelancers

A for hire sign.

Technology, digital marketing and design workers have been the freelancers most in demand in the past 12 months.

This is according to a study by online jobs marketplace PeoplePerHour, which analysed data from 15,000 freelancers in the timeframe. Results showed that the most in demand freelancing jobs are in technology, digital marketing, and design with an increase in projects for freelancers with strong marketing, technical skills or programming...

Three tips for an engaging user experience in mobile apps

In our digital world, creating an engaging user experience is the key to success for app developers. But engagement doesn’t come from a hotch-potch of innovative features or a random collection of ideas; it comes from creative, strategic planning and execution.

For instance, consider the case of Spotify’s annual Wrapped feature. At the end of every year, users can see their top songs and artists, favourite playlists, and the number of minutes they’ve listened to music and...

Personalisation, video and VR: How digital is bringing the luxury experience everywhere

Once upon a time, the luxury experience was inherently tactile. The awe factor of walking through a multimillion-dollar vacation home or sitting behind the wheel of a custom luxury vehicle was only possible in the physical realm. But ever-advancing technology has changed the luxury game.

It’s not a question of whether or not digital works in luxury. You can pick the finishings for your Audi in digital showrooms, try on designer clothes in virtual fitting rooms, or take home...

Content versus context: Which one really matters more for mobile advertisers?

As consumers become increasingly comfortable making in-app purchases while on their mobiles, there can be little doubt that mobile will continue to be the backbone of online advertising. 

Despite the dominance of the likes of Facebook and Google in the digital ad market, there is still room aplenty for more targeted and tailored advertising to suit the in-app audience. Research from Mindsea last year shows that more than 90 percent of all smartphone users have a web browser,...

We are at the tipping point in defeating mobile ad fraud: What more needs to be done?

Mobile ad fraud is an issue for everyone working in the programmatic industry, and it’s clear that there is an overwhelming tide of parties committing it.

Many sources suggest that 40% of a typical advertising investment ends up being fraudulent. Within this, global loss to mobile-based ad fraud is estimated to make up almost half of total digital ad fraud.

While there are some examples of ad fraudsters being fined or even jailed, more needs to be...