The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Could Happen, Series Producer Says

"It's always a possibility."

Posted By | On 14th, Jun. 2016

Skyward Sword 4

The 3DS has received remasters for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. Meanwhile, the Wii U has had remasters of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Twilight Princess– but so far, there is one 3D Zelda game that hasn’t been updated for modern systems- and that is 2011’s divisive The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Skyward Sword‘s release was marked by highly divided player reception, owing to its control scheme that exclusively used the Wii Motion Plus’ motion capabilities, and its linear and guided design, which is a departure from other games in the series. But like with all Zelda games, Skyward Sword has its fans- and those fans would like to see it remastered, maybe on Wii U, if not the NX. And speaking to IGN, Aonuma confirmed that this was not a possibility they had ruled out yet.

“Yeah it’s definitely possible” Aonuma told IGN. “As I mentioned earlier in the presentation, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a result of what we wanted to expand and make a better Skyward Sword. It’s like an evolved or expanded version.”

“Putting out an HD version of Skyward Sword and tossing that into the mix might be a little weird,” he said. “It’s always a possibility, so I really don’t know.”

Personally, given that in just about every way except for the graphics, Breath of the Wild appears to be the antithesis of Skyward Sword rather than its evolution, I don’t know where he’s coming from, but hey- Skyward Sword fans. At least you know your game isn’t forgotten. Hell, if you’re lucky, it may even be remastered some time soon.

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